Wills and Powers of Attorneys

Ensuring the financial security of your loved ones and children is an imperative and sometimes daunting task.

The preparation and execution of your Will and Powers of Attorney documents need not be confronting as these documents once properly explained to you are not to be feared but embraced.

Your Will is the single most important document you cause to be created. It is your blueprint as to how you wish your assets to be divided on your death.

We assist you to formulate your Will that is personalised to your needs and circumstances to ensure that your assets are distributed in accordance with your wishes.

In the event you die intestate (without a Will) your estate is distributed according to the laws of intestacy which may not necessarily be in harmony with your wishes.

David Sayer

Principal Solicitor

David provides a personalised service in the preparation of your Wills and your Powers of Attorney documents and will attend you to receive your instructions, advise and guide and assist you in this process and will then personally draw your draft Will and Powers of Attorney documents.

You will have the benefit of a further attendance with him to consider the draft documents, amend and finalise same prior to their execution by you in his presence.

Our aim is to provide clear and concise assistance and advice that both meets your needs and provides you with a sense of relief and satisfaction knowing that your Will and your Powers of Attorney documents reflect your views and wishes.

We can assist and advise in relation to the following areas of the law:

  • Estate and Probate laws
  • Advise you and receive your instructions for a Binding Will and Testament
  • Advise and draw testamentary Trusts
  • Discuss and advise in relation to selection of Executors and Guardians in your Will
  • Advise and discuss potential for a Family Provisions Claim against your estate
  • Advise and discuss issues surrounding Guardianship and Enduring Powers of Attorney and the role of your Guardian(s) and Attorney(s)

A legally binding Will and Powers of Attorney can save your family and those close to you not only undue stress and complication but can minimise the possibility of dispute and unnecessary legal costs.

It can also minimise the possibility of dispute and unnecessary legal costs.

We offer you a free, no obligation, safe custody service for your important documents, such as Wills, Powers of Attorney, the Certificate of Title for your property(s) and other legal documents.

It is imperative that you ensure that your Will and Powers of Attorney documents are up to date and meet your current situation.

When and if your circumstances change (ie marriage, separation, the birth of children) you must ensure your Will reflects those changes.

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